Let us help you to quickly get familiar with IEC 61850 capabilities and utilize its advantages for your benefits. We’ll go through the theory and then demystify it with practical exercises in our IOP laboratory.
Tools and Certification testing training
► Get familiar with functions and interfaces of the SimFlex tool
► Learn basics of certification testing
► Understand specifics of UCA Testing Procedures
► Learn how to test in details your IEDs and systems
IEC 61850 Basics training
► Get overview of IEC 61850 Standards, their scope and roles
► Understand concept of Data Modeling
► Insight into Engineering process and SCL language
► Understand Communication Services and their functionalities
Custom training
► Each customer has its own needs and goals
► Get your tailor-made trainings
► Concentrated on your specific topics
► Focus on building knowledge step by step
IOP Labaratory
Our multivendor Interoperability testing system provides capability to analyze, test and troubleshoot PAC elements:
► Network configuration and behavior (PRP, HSR, PTP…)
► Protection & control functions (Distributed & Adaptive functions)
► Communication services (MMS, GOOSE, SV…)
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